Our programs
Seasons of Hope Center’s restoration program is dedicated to restoring the well-being of the whole woman. Our program consists of 2 restoration phases during which we strive to teach coping mechanisms for the daily stresses of life and work. Additionally we provide continuing education, equine therapy and gardening to instill a positive work ethic, responsibility, assertiveness, communication, and healthy relationships to our participants.

Phase 1 : 0-12 months
During phase 1, participants live in common living arrangement which allow the participants to learn to work in unity with others and develop team building relationships. The key components of phase 1 of our program are daily morning devotions, Bible Study, Equine therapy, computer classes, life coaching and creative arts. Each participant also shares in daily maintenance chores in the common residence as well as management of the animals and grounds of our 34 acre property and facilities.

Phase 2: 12-36 months
During phase 2, participants begin the re-entry process into independent daily living. This begins by seeking employment, managing their personal finances, strengthening their support system, and establishing plans for moving off property. Phase II allows the participant to live on property for an additional 1 – 2 years in an affordable, safe, environment and work toward full time employment, obtaining a current driver’s license and dependable transportation.

Season of Hope Center’s education programs are dedicated to improving the life skills of the women at our facilities. They include but are not limited to Dealing with Loss, Boundaries, Life Challenge curriculum, computer skills, GED training, money management and budgeting skills, nutrition and creative arts.
Equine Therapy

Season’s of Hope Center’s horses provide an excellent way for our participants to react in a non-intrusive way building trust in a safe environment. Equine care instills a positive work ethic, responsibility, assertiveness, communication, and healthy relationships. It has long been recognized that horses naturally provide these benefits.

Season of Hope Center’s gardening experience teaches valuable life skills and self sustainability in seeding, planting, equipment maintenance and managing the gardens. Biblical truths are applied in the setting to teach that decisions have consequences and brings a harvest, just as sowing positive seeds will produce positive results in life.